Author. Inspired by Creativity, Imagination and Design.


My experiences in writing.

My observations of the creative world around me.

How those two worlds come together.

A Volunteer’s Perspective: A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of the Pyeongchang Olympic Sliding Centre

Even for a novice to the sport, the Olympic Sliding Centre at the Pyeongchang Olympics takes your breath away. Within moments you get a sense of the magnitude, the power, the adrenaline rush — and the risk.

It’s the longest sledding track in the world, touting 2018 total meters of track — in honor of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

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Collect Meaningful Experiences… Not Stuff

A young friend of mine recently posted a thought-provoking question on Facebook:

What advice would you give a 21-year-old?

Ironically, most of the advice came from other young people — advice about dating, school, career, exercise, saving money. Don’t get me wrong — all good advice.

But my mind went to one place…

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How to Innovate When Others Tell You To Give Up

Kenton Lee hit a rough patch in 2007. His girlfriend dumped him. He took it hard and finally decided that he needed to go to Africa — both to see and experience the world he had only read about up to that point and because he couldn’t stomach the idea of being on the same continent as his ex.

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Bryan Searing
How to Find Your Creative Fuel

My imagination can’t help running wild when I eye an unusual artifact — it can’t help but create a life around each piece. (You can imagine how much my wife likes taking me to an antique store.)I can’t stop my imagination any more than I can stop a sneeze.

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Bryan Searing