Author. Inspired by Creativity, Imagination and Design.

The Creative Human Mind

Look around you. Bask in the creativity that abounds in this world. Feed off of it. And then pay it forward.

 The arches are beautiful. Buy my eye is drawn to the cables. Did the engineer who designed this bridge realize what beauty he was creating with the lines? I like to think he did.

The arches are beautiful. Buy my eye is drawn to the cables. Did the engineer who designed this bridge realize what beauty he was creating with the lines? I like to think he did.


“Creativity runs across many categories in life, from the arts-and-crafts project a mum or dad does with their kids, to the bestselling author's manuscript, to the designs of the hairdresser, to the creations of the computer programming genius.”

Tabatha Coffey, Tabatha's Salon Takeover

 I can even appreciate a dandelion when Steiner Engeland photographs it.

I can even appreciate a dandelion when Steiner Engeland photographs it.

 We aren't the first advanced civilization to inhabit this planet. I would argue that we aren't even as advanced as ancient civilizations since they created so much with such little technology.

We aren't the first advanced civilization to inhabit this planet. I would argue that we aren't even as advanced as ancient civilizations since they created so much with such little technology.

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